Covid 19


Last updated July 6, 2021


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Greg Turner, Ball Consulting Group, LLC

Phone: 617-243-9950; Email:

Sherrill House Announces COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

for Employees to Ensure Health and Safety of Residents and Staff

BOSTON (July 6, 2021) – Sherrill House, a not-for-profit skilled nursing and rehabilitation center, today announced that it will require all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as part of its efforts to ensure the health and safety of patients, residents and staff.

The vaccination requirement will go into effect once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approves at least one of the currently available vaccines as expected later this year. The vaccines, shown to be safe and effective for millions of Americans, are currently used under the FDA’s emergency use authorization. Sherrill House employees will be able to request an exemption for medical and religious reasons.

“As an organization providing health care to a vulnerable population, we feel strongly that requiring our staff to be vaccinated from COVID-19 is another important step that we can take to ensure the health and safety of our entire community,” said Patrick J. Stapleton, CEO of Sherrill House. “We will continue our education process to address any questions that unvaccinated staff may have and will discuss any compliance or accommodation concerns they may have.”

The vast majority of Sherrill House employees are already vaccinated. To date, 85% of staff have received COVID-19 vaccine shots through on-site clinics held in early 2020 or through their own health care providers. That level of immunization is very high compared with the Massachusetts long-term care industry average of about 69%, as well as the rate for the general public, which is 47% nationally and 62% in Massachusetts.

“Sherrill House has a history of proactivity on public health initiatives,” said Stapleton. “Three years ago, our staff was required to get the flu vaccine – a full year prior to the vaccine being mandated by public health officials – and we are charting a similar path with the COVID-19 vaccine.”



Greg Turner, Ball Consulting Group, LLC

Phone: 617-243-9950; Email:

Latest Visitation Guidance:

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the latest visitation guidance that was released from the Massachusetts Department of Health (DPH) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on how to safely begin in-resident room visitation with our fully vaccinated residents. 

We are pleased to now offer our fully vaccinated visitors the option to have in-resident room visits with their loved ones. 

The definition of being FULLY vaccinated is - received both required doses of the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine and it has been at least two weeks since the 2nd dose of their vaccine or it has been two weeks since you received the one required dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

At this time, COVID-19 still remains a risk to both you and your loved one if you are not fully vaccinated. The facility continues to follow strict infection control guidance to eliminate the risk of COVID-19 entering the facility. We ask for your patience in complying with these guidelines:

Visitation Guidelines:

  • Visitors will continue to be screened at the front door of the lobby by having their temperature taken and being asked a series of questions regarding their health, recent travel, and if they have had any exposure to COVID-19.
  • All visitors will be required to wear a mask for the duration of their visit and practice good hand hygiene throughout their visit.
  • Visitors who are FULLY vaccinated may visit their loved ones in their rooms, IF their loved one is also fully vaccinated, and their loved one’s roommate is fully vaccinated.
  • Visits in residents' rooms may take place without maintaining social distancing if all parties are wearing facemasks. 
  • Compassionate care visits may still occur as per DPH guidance
  • Visitors are not permitted to “roam” the facility. For everyone’s health and safety, visitors must go from the screening area at reception directly to the visiting area or resident room and not enter other areas of the facility such as the grand room, staff cafe, other resident rooms, etc.
  • If you are planning to visit your loved one in their room, please notify your respective social worker in advance, as you may not be able to visit in the resident's room for infection control reasons.
  • Recommended visit hours: 10:00am-7:00pm Monday-Sunday
  • Visitors who are not fully vaccinated will need to continue to schedule their visits with their respective social worker. 
             *As a reminder, 3rd floor scheduled visits take place every Wednesday at 10:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm


  • Visits are contingent on the status of COVID-19 cases in the facility. Per DPH regulations, if a resident or staff member tests positive on a unit, all visitation on the affected units will be suspended for 14 days. 
  • Any individual who enters Sherrill House and develops signs and symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, myalgia, chills, or new onset loss of smell or taste within two days after exiting the facility must immediately notify Sherrill House of the date they were in the facility, the individuals they were in contact with, and the locations within the facility they visited. We will then immediately screen the individuals who had contact with the visitor for the level of exposure and follow up with our facility’s medical director or resident’s care provider.

Planned Resident SLOA (Social Leave of Absence):

Because of ongoing community transmission of COVID-19 within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and concerns for the health and safety of residents, the Department recommends that residents consider carefully any planned leaves of absence.

If a Sherill House resident wants to schedule a planned leave of absence from the facility, Sherrill House will work with the resident and their loved ones to create a plan for a safer leave. This plan must include education for the resident and loved ones about:

  • Wearing face coverings
  • Practicing physical distancing
  • Limiting interaction to the fewest number of people possible while the resident is on their planned leave
  • Loved ones also limiting their interaction to the fewest number of people possible for two weeks before the resident’s planned leave/visit.
  • Assessment about the possible exposure risks while the resident is on their planned leave and instructions about how to mitigate them. 
  • The need for the resident to quarantine for fourteen days upon return from leave if they are not fully vaccinated.
  • If the resident is recovered from COVID-19 within the previous six months or is fully vaccinated (14 days or more since their final dose in the vaccine series) then they do not need to quarantine upon return.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Sherrill House Family Communications Team: 617-731-2400

Alessio Miniello, CCO: or (781) 539-3677

Patrick J. Stapleton, CEO: or (617) 365-6204

Information about COVID-19 Vaccine for general public.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced that more vaccination appointments will be opening up and people should continue checking online to find slots.

The state’s mass vaccination sites will add new appointments online every Thursday.

The state plans to set up a call center next week to help people sign up for appointments.

CVS locations update their open appointments daily. [you must book BOTH appointments at once]

Good Job Sherrill House

A thank you to our staff at Sherrill House during the COVID-19 pandemic. #WeLoveOurStaff

Original soundtrack: Good Job - Alicia Keys
Singer/Arranger: Chelsea Haynes (Director of Recreation, Expressive/Music Therapist)
Piano: Christopher Vu (Development Administrative Coordinator)
Concept & Photos: Pattyanne Lyons (Director of Development)
Audio Mix: Andres Leon
Production & Video: Ksitija Rawal (Director of Expressive Therapy)

Showcasing the amazing staff of Sherrill House


In addition to the increase to our already strict infection prevention and control protocols, we will now require all food or package deliveries to be dropped off inside front door.

Receptionist will then handle the package and ensure delivery to the resident. PLEASE make sure delivery or package is clearly labeled with resident name.

Our first focus is our residents, and to create safe and effective ways for them to resume physical and social activity, as these are critical to overall health and well being. 
While we recognize the importance of getting back to some sense of normal, it is critical that we continue to be vigilant, thoughtful, and consistent.

Sherrill House Response to COVID-19

Sherrill House is actively responding to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As always, our number one priority is protecting our patients, residents, and staff. This page will be kept updated with the newest information for our community and their loved ones.

COVID-19 is present and we are working directly with the families of those who are impacted to keep them up to date about their loved one's condition. Our hearts are with the seniors, families, and employees who are being affected by COVID-19.

In addition to these actions, we’ve bolstered our already strict infection prevention and control protocols with increased cleaning of high-touch areas, cancellation communal dining, and cessation of group programming. We are actively expanding virtual programming, video chat capabilities, and other efforts to fight social isolation.

Infection Control Efforts

Because we know residents are contagious and can test positive before they show symptoms, testing asymptomatic patients is critical to stopping the spread. It also allows the clinical team to physically separate patients with and without the virus, a key step in infection control. At Sherrill House, this is being achieved either by creating positive and negative cohorts, or by strict isolation of infected patients in their rooms, with the highest level of infection control precautions. 

Once we were able to test all patients and implement associated cohorting and isolation, the infection rate declined significantly. As of April 30, 2020, our testing results are 90 positive, 37 negative, and 2 pending. We are deeply sad to report that 15 residents have passed due to this virus.

We are encouraged by our progress in limiting the rate of new infections, and are taking every effort to beat back this virus.

Compassion and Sympathy

We send our deepest sympathies to the families of those who have passed. With stringent no-visitor rules in place, it is heart-wrenching that families cannot visit their loved ones at the end of life.

For those families who are in this situation, please know that your loved one is not alone. Our staff, including chaplains, have become surrogates for families who no longer can be at their loved ones’ bedsides, and are holding their hands, speaking words of comfort, and caring for them gently. Every senior who passes away in our care will know that they are well loved.

Family Communication

Since this crisis began, family members have received regular communications from Sherrill House leadership and proactive calls from social workers nurse managers. Staff on each floor have notified families if their loved one has been exposed to COVID-19.

Recognizing how important it is for you to have virtual visits with your loved one, we are facilitating one-on-one video chats between patients and families. We are eager to maintain the connection between families during this crisis.

Employee Screening and Support

We are physically screening each employee, each shift, for a fever of 100o Fahrenheit or higher and other signs and symptoms of illness to protect patients and fellow staff members.

We are providing Sherrill House employees a host of supports to maintain a stable and available workforce, including flexible schedules to accommodate child care concerns, meals, scrubs, and accommodations paid by Sherrill House if employees choose to separate themselves from their families.

Modified Dining and Programming

We’ve bolstered our already strict infection prevention and control protocols with increased cleaning of high-touch areas, modification of dining services to accommodate social distancing, and cessation of group programming. Virtual programming, including religious services, is available through closed-circuit television. Our life enhancement and social work teams, among others, have increased their presence with patients in order to engage them with individualized programming, and to help alleviate feelings of social isolation and depression.


Our medical, pharmacy, and food and beverage supplies are being delivered as scheduled. We have an adequate supply of the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to follow clinical requirements issued by the Centers for Disease Control.

Thank you to our Sherrill House families and friends that have been so understanding and supportive of us as caregivers, medical professionals and administrators. We are very fortunate to have a seasoned staff that is knowledgeable, compassionate and committed. 

Please watch this page and our social media for updatess!

  • What are Sherrill House's infection control protocols?

    At Sherrill House, we follow strict infection prevention and control protocols to minimize exposures to any airborne virus. We regularly ensure our health care personnel are properly trained and capable of implementing infection control procedures and ensure they understand, and can adhere to, infection control requirements. We also work closely with the state and federal regulatory agencies – including the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). With abundance of caution in this dynamic environment, we are proactively taking steps to protect our vulnerable seniors, employees, families, and friends. Among these steps is the activation of our Emergency Response Management Team, where decisions about COVID-19 are being made around what is best for our residents/patients and our community. We will update on a regular basis as necessary to ensure transparent and ongoing communication with the families of seniors in our care, as well as employees, friends, and others.

  • Do Sherrill House staff have enough personal protective equipment?

    Staff at Sherrill House have the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to follow clinical requirements issued by the Centers for Disease Control. We have a dedicated PPE Purchase and Delivery system focused on procuring PPE, ensuring that it meets clinical standards, and closely managing our inventory. We are exploring all avenues for securing PPE to maintain our supplies and are very grateful to have received several generous in-kind donations from supporters in the community. PPE includes masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, goggles, and more.

  • If my loved one in your care begins to exhibit symptoms, how quickly will I be notified? How often and how will we get updates?

    Notifying family members and caregivers of a change in a loved one’s condition in a timely manner is part of our standard policies and procedures. Additionally, please visit this page often for more general information about Sherrill House’s proactive approach to COVID-19.

  • If a patient or resident exhibits symptoms, what plans are in place to prevent them from spreading the illness to others?

    At Sherrill House, we have strong infection control procedures in place and follow aggressive protocols to isolate any patient exhibiting airborne illness symptoms. We have the ability to move any resident exhibiting symptoms to our COVID-19 internal unit on our second floor. We are taking care not to have clinical staff rotating between different floors and have cancelled group activities for patients.

  • Is Sherrill House able to test for COVID-19?

    Sherrill House can provide COVID-19 testing when needed, and wait on results which return within two days to five days.

  • What is Sherrill House doing to combat isolation and connect families?

    We were one of the first long-term centers to provide technology for residents and patients the opportunity to visit with loved ones through video chats.  Our Expressive Therapy department and our Chaplain have created virtual programming through closed circuit television which is shown in each room throughout Sherrill House. We are working on video messages from volunteers who have been regulars here at Sherrill House for years and have already delivered numerous cards and greetings to every floor. To see stories about what’s happening and photos, please check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

Skype Calls with Residents

In order to maintain the health and wellness that comes from social visits – our Expressive Therapy department has created virtual visits for family and friends to visit with loved ones through Skype. The program is a success and our residents/patients love it!

Contact to schedule.
Tel. 617-731-2400 ext. 3020

Sherrill House Worship Services

Chaplain Lindsay Popperson, Music Therapist Chelsea Haynes, Director of Expressive Therapy & Program Director of Special Care Unit, and Development Coordinator Chris Vu take part in an exciting new platform to bring activities, worship and entertainment to the residents and patients of Sherrill House.

Above and Beyond

The Sherrill House staff is second-to-none on a slow day – put them in a worldwide pandemic – and you see them shine like diamonds!! From programs to keep them connected to the outside, Lynn Rose from the Business Office helping a family in the parking lot to multiple one-on-one check-ins with each resident several times a day! Please follow, like, join us on social media to read about the amazing staff that cares for our residents and patients.

Updates from Sherrill House

It is said that social media is used to keep in touch with friends and extended family – but is it really when everyone’s eyes are on their phones? This may be the one time we will tell you to spend time alone and check out our online presence!!! It is where we will have updates, photos and stories of Sherrill House and the COVID-19 situation.

Trusted Resources on COVID-19

Please do not use social media for information on COVID-19 unless it is these trusted sites that are updated almost by the minute and contain official information. It will take everyone’s participation for us to be successful in dealing with the COVID-19 and we all want to do our part!

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