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Mass Senior Care is pleased to report Governor Charlie Baker signed into law today the FY 2020 Budget, which includes $50 million in new Medicaid funding for nursing facility care (approximately a $6/day increase for the vast majority of members that receive both the broad based and targeted criteria funding) and establishes a Nursing Facility Emergency Task Force to make recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the nursing facility sector.
We appreciate the Governor and the Legislature's support in the FY 2020 budget, which has laid a strong foundation for us to build upon in the upcoming FY 2021 budget cycle, which begins NOW! It is up to all of us to seize this tremendous opportunity to address longstanding inefficiencies in the MassHealth reimbursement system that fail to recognize the true cost of providing quality resident care.
As we continue with our media, grassroots and political advocacy efforts, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have called, emailed, testified, or met with your legislators to urge support for quality nursing facility care. This initial success demonstrates what Mass Senior Care, our members and our advocates are capable of achieving when the collective strength of the entire long-term care community unites.